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Investigating some of the "reportedly" most haunted locations in America...

Sorrel Weed House -- Savannah, Ga.

Black Raven Paranormal Feature Investigation -- February 2016

Background History

The Sorrel-Weed House, or the Francis Sorrel House, is a historic landmark and Savannah Museum located in Savannah,
Georgia.    Construction on the Sorrel Weed House began in 1837 with Francis Sorrel who hired renowned architect
Charles Cluskey to build his dream home.   He wanted to build an loving home for his wife Matilda and their
growing family as a wedding gift.

The Sorrel Mansion, called “Shady Corner” by Francis Sorrel and his family, was complete by 1840, probably
sometime in 1839.   When it was completed, it was the largest home in Savannah with the largest Carriage House as well.

The Sorrel-Weed House was the boyhood home of Brigadier General Moxley Sorrel, who fought for the Confederate
States of America during the Civil War.    He served under General James Longstreet, and after the war wrote
"Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer", considered to be one of the top postwar accounts written.   General
Robert E. Lee visited the home in late 1861 and early 1862.    He and Francis Sorrel had been friends since the early
1830s.   Lee also visited the Sorrel family in April 1870, shortly before his death.

For a complete historical overview of the Sorrel Weed House , please visit their website below.

   Sorrel Weed House Website   

Sorrel Weed House Hauntings

The Sorrel Weed House is listed as the most haunted location in Savannah and in several publications, it is listed in
the top 10 in the country.   American Revolutionary War soldiers, Matilda Sorrel and a slave girl named Molly are
said to haunt the property.

Most of the ghostly activity centers around Matilda Sorrel.   She committed suicide in 1860 by jumping from a second
floor balcony.   It is said that she had bouts with depression.   Legend tells of a story that she discovered a relationship
and affair between her husband Francis and a slave girl named Molly.   Many say that discovery led to her immediate
suicide.   Molly was found dead a short time later under mysterious circumstances.

Black Raven Paranormal investigates the Sorrel Weed House (February 2016)

Investigating America's Most Haunted Locations..

We would like to thank Calvin Parker and his staff for a fantastic investigation.   They were professional,
knowledgeable and organized.   Certainly a very enjoyable investigation!

Investigation Data and Evidence

Investigation 02/27/2016 (12pm - 4am) Investigators -- #6
Weather -- Clear, Temperature 45.0 , Humidity 80%,
Winds -- Calm / Moon (Lunar Phase -- Wanning Gibbous 81% Full )

Evidence -- Audio -- EVPS / Spirit Box Clips (Click Here)

Investigation Videos   Click Here    Photographs of Interest   -- None

   Sorrel Weed House Photo Album            The Black Raven Paranormal Team   

Personal Experiences -- Disembodied voice heard and recorded in Lady's Parlor

Data recorded on investigation -- Audio, Video, Photographs, EMF, Temperature, Personal Experiences

Haunting Beauty of the Sorrel Weed House